Algeria or ANDR — African state, greater part of territory of that lies in the desert Sahara, and north banks are washed Mediterranean. This country keeps tracks of ancient civilizations, the great number of ancient monuments is here present, therefore a trip will please to the history and archaeology lovers. Rest on a coastline in Algeria is also possible, but most tourists are attracted by the mysterious desert Sahara with magnificent landscapes.
In a country it is possible to get on an airplane, from Tunis or Morocco trains or busses walk also. However a ferriage a more comfort a sea, because cruise ships are offered with different service. Reserving tickets from leading companies is possible on-line. The African country has a ferry report with Spain, Italy and France. Basic marine ports: Algeria, Annaba, Beja, Ghazaouet, Mostaganem, Oran, Skikda.
With France there are reports of Marcel with ports Algeria, Beja, Skikda and Oran. Regularly ply ships to Spain on next routes:
From Italy there is a voyage of Skikda – Genoa and back. Tourists can reserve tickets in the point of setting in any of ferry companies on-line. Managers will help to pick up the most advantageous variant, also there is possibility to take advantage of the comfortable system of search of voyage.
In Algeria it is possible to see ruins of ancient settlements, ancient fort from a stone, to visit Atlas of mountain and термальные sources of Hammam Meskutin. Beach rest is possible only in north part of republic. On a coast safely, and for journeys to Sahara a guide is needed, because here extreme weather terms, great number of dangerous animals and insects. For a trip to Algeria on a ferry it is recommended preliminary to reserve a ticket.
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