England – it is a surprizing country that is the largest part of the United Kingdom. Gothic cathedrals, swift rhythm of the evening capital, beauty and атмосферность of rural landscape, brand shops and «flea» markets. Motherland of language, conquering status international, and also flag becoming in truth cult art object.
The ramified network of passenger and freight routes connects more than 12 harbours of Great Britain with the seaports of North and South Europe. Ferriage – it is a comfortable and accessible method of trip. Besides, it is possible to take with itself a car, bicycle or motor cycle, not to limit itself in movements on an island.
River ferries are also developed in England. So, between Burkenhand and Liverpool of court ply on the picturesque river Mercy. The capital can be opened quite on the other hand, if to order a journey from Tower of bridge to Westminster. Fare – from four pound.
It is needed to take into account that than before a ticket will be reserved on a ferry, the it is anymore possible to economize. For example, a journey from Кале to Dover will cost 22 pound.
A ferriage can occupy from one hour to twenty-four hours depending on a route.
Among basic routes following.
If a trip is planned to Scandinavia or Spain, it is needed to reserve not only a ticket on a ferry but also comfortable cabin.
There are many personal touches in the portrait of England a high level is life, unshakable traditions, special sense of humour, cult art and many other strokes that can be enumerated infinitely. But drawing a picture is better from nature, in fact trip to Misty Albion – it is unforgettable experience for each.
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